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  CP3 road project of the Philippines is completed

  On March 20, with the end of road marking of the last kilometer, on-site construction tasks of CP3 road project, which was jointly contracted to be built by Philippine branch of Qingdao Construction Group and MACBUILDER Company, have been completed smoothly after three and a half years.

  CP3 project is one section that belongs to Secondary National Roads Development Project (SNRDP) of Samar region of the Philippines and is road section from San Julian of Eastern Samar Province to Balangkayan of Western Samar Province, is 64.6 km in total length, and includes main asphalt road with dual carriageway and length of 49.404km, main concrete road with dual carriageway and length of 7.507km,single carriageway concrete shoulder with length of 27.798km, single carriageway slurry seal shoulder with length of 98.614km, 11 maintenance bridges and 6 newly-built bridges, and engineering construction such as resettlement of water and power supply facilities along the line of CP3, drainage system, lamp, W-beam guardrail and other ancillary facilities for road, and contract cost of the project is about 2.45 billion peso.

  During implementing project, the company and its partners jointly have solved construction problems related to asphalt cold recycling construction process, slurry seal shoulder construction methods and reinforcement of underwater caps of bridge successively Project is successfully implemented, which has created good performance for Qingjian Group in the field of asphalt road construction, improved influence of the company in the Philippines National Department of Public Works and Highways and industries and laid a solid foundation for further exploiting the Philippines road market. From perspective of further exploiting Philippines road market, the successful cooperation and mutual trust established between the company and its partners in respect of CP3 are beneficial to seeking for better partners.